Melton Mowbray 01664 562054
Grantham 01476 566960


Read about what facilities we have to offer


Read about what facilities we have to offer

We have a large welcoming reception area for pets and their owners to sit whilst waiting for their appointment. Information on a variety of subjects about pet health is available. Receptionists are happy to answer questions and to offer advice. Weighing scales are also available to accurately monitor your pets’ weight.

We provide ample off street parking and the practice is air conditioned for the comfort of our patients and our staff.

What do we offer at Bray House Vets?

  • Dispensary - All medicines are stored in the dispensary. We stock a full range of all the latest products and have daily deliveries from our veterinary wholesaler.

  • Preparation Room - This is where we carry out minor surgery, dental work and prepare animals before going into theatre for their operation.


  • Laboratory - Our laboratory is fully equipped with haematology and biochemistry analysers to assist in the rapid diagnosis of illness. The microscope and staining techniques allow us to examine urine sediment and cells in detail and carry out some parasitology.

  • Consulting Rooms - They are light and well equipped for our Veterinary Surgeons to carry out full and thorough examinations and treatment of your pets. Our computerised systems allow your pet’s clinical notes to be accessible as soon as you step through the door at either our Grantham or Melton practices.

  • Diagnostic Equipment
  • Kennel Room
  • Operating Theatre
  • Radiography Room

Diagnostic Equipment

Things we have to help your pet…

  • Specialist rabbit dental equipment
  • Operating microscope
  • X-ray facilities
  • Ultrasound
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Anaesthetic monitoring
  • Electrocautery for ear and eye surgery
  • Modern air powered dental tools and ultrasonic scaling equipment
  • Monitored evening care for patients who need to stay in overnight following day operations
  • Colour video endoscopy to look inside lungs, stomach, ears, nose or intestines
  • Haematology & biochemistry machines which allow blood testing on site with same day results
  • Easy to understand handouts to help understand your pets problems and the treatment options available

Kennel Room

The kennel room is equipped with warm, spacious kennels and is where animals are housed prior to surgery. They return here when they have woken up from their anaesthetic to recover in peace and quiet.

The kennels are made from stainlees steel which makes them easy to clean and disinfect.

We have separate dog and cat wards which is important for reducing the stress to our patients.

Operating Theatre

The large operating theatre accommodates two operating tables and is where all surgical procedures are carried out. It is a sterile, climate controlled area where staff must observe theatre protocol at all times.

Anaesthetised animals are continuously monitored by experienced Veterinary Nurses, with assistance from electrical monitoring equipment.

Radiography Room

This is where all our x-rays are taken and where our ultrasound scanning is carried out. Our high specification x-ray machine and automatic x-ray developer ensures high x-ray quality.

Ultrasound examination for pregnancy, abdominal and chest problems are commonly performed.